Apply style to all divs except one specific
Just apply the rule to all divs first:
#toolbar div {
float: left;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin: 2px 12px 2px 12px;
Then you need to zero the values out for the specific case:
#toolbar div.olControlNavigationHistor {
float: none;
background-repeat: repeat;
margin: 0;
Of course this assumes that the property values that specific div would have had without the first rule applied are each properties defaults (such as margin: 0
and float: none
However in the future when CSS3 is supported everywere, you could also just rewrite your original rule as #toolbar div:not(.olControlNavigationHistory)
and it would work correctly and elegantly.
I was just doing the same and found this answer Use the :not selector:
it was posted in Apply CSS Style on all elements except with a SPECIFIC ID