Are epimorphisms in the category of Stone spaces surjective?
The category of Stone spaces is dually equivalent to that of Boolean algebras, so an epimorphism of Stone spaces is exactly the same as a monomorphism between the underlying algebras.
But now a monomorphism of Boolean algebras is injective (the forgetful functor to $\mathbf{Set}$ preserves monomorphisms, because it has a left adjoint); so we may ask : let $f: B\to B'$ be an injective morphism of Boolean algebras, and let $U\in S(B)$ be an ultrafilter. Is there an ultrafilter $U'$ on $B'$ such that $f^*U' = U$. But here $f^*U'$ is simply $f^{-1}U' = B\cap U'$ if we treat $B$ as a subalgebra of $B'$.
And then the answer is clearly yes : let $U$ be an ultrafilter on $B$. Then look at its image in $B'$ : it's a filter, and is therefore contained in some ultrafilter $U'$. Now $U'\cap B$ is an ultrafilter, which contains $U$ and must therefore be equal to $U$.
So $f^*$ is surjective, and any epimorphism is of the form $f^*$ for some monomorphism $f$ (up to isomorphism), so we are done.
For a direct topological proof, suppose $f:X\to Y$ is not surjective and let $y\in Y\setminus f(X)$. In a Stone space, points can be separated by clopen sets, and then by a compactness argument points and closed sets can be separated by clopen sets. So, there is a clopen set $C\subseteq Y$ such that $y\in C$ and $f(X)\subseteq Y\setminus C$. We now have $1_Cf=0f$ where $1_C,0:Y\to\{0,1\}$ are the characteristic function of $C$ and the constant $0$ map, respectively. This witnesses that $f$ is not epic in the category of Stone spaces.