Are there keyboard shortcuts for the Safari debugger?

F1 in the Web Inspector shows a help screen with all the keys. (Safari version 5.1.2)

The Scripts Debugger was updated to support some popular keyboard shortcuts:

  • Continue — F8 or Command-/ on a Mac or Control-/ on other platforms.
  • Step Over — F10 or Command- on a Mac or Control- on other platforms.
  • Step Into — F11 or Command-; on a Mac or Control-; on other platforms.
  • Step Out — Shift-F11 or Shift-Command-; on a Mac or Shift-Control-; on other platforms.
  • Next Call Frame — Control-. on all platforms.
  • Previous Call Frame — Control-, on all platforms.
  • Evaluate Selection When on a Breakpoint — Shift-Command-E on a Mac or Shift-Control-E on other platforms.

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