Array Length returns 0
Only numeric indices affect the .length
of an Array.
Other named properties are allowed, but they aren't the typical use for an Array object. By using ""
, you're creating a non-numeric property on the object. You can access it like this:
But you can't get to it with the typical Array methods.
For named properties, you'd typically use an Object instead. Either way, you can get a count of the number of own, enumerable properties (including numeric indices) by using Object.keys()
Because that is not how you add an item since Arrays only accept numeric keys. You do it like this:
errors.push("blah"); /*or*/ errors[0] = "blah";
//Now if you check the length:
errors.length; //1
Also, if you are using it as an Object, ''
isn't a valid name either.
*Correction: Looks like you can use ""
(empty string) as a key.
As you used string key instead of int, JavaScript will consider your array as an object storing key/value pairs.
as @cookiemonster mentioned you can get length using Object.keys(errors).length;
Also, you may consider using JavaScript ES6 Map.
var errormap = new Map();
errormap.set('err101', 'Description for error 101');
errormap.set('err102', 'Description for error 102');
To get the description of error description based on error key:
You can get the length of the Map object by simply write: