ASCII ruler generation

Not going to beat the dynamic languages today, but anyway...

Haskell, 341

import Data.List
main=interact$ read.words
m[l,r]|r>l=ᴛ.("┌│││└":).(++["┬   ─","┐│││┘"]).ʀ.t.ʀ.t.takeWhile((>4).length).ᴛ$[c"┬",c"│    ",[l,l+10..r]>>,c" ",c"─"]|True=["NaR"]
h s=p s$length s;p s@('-':_)l=r(6-l)ꜱ++s++r 4ꜱ;p s l=r 5ꜱ++s++r(5-l)ꜱ
ꜱ=' ';t l@(c:o)|c!!2==ꜱ=t o|True=l

I took the liberty of exchanging the actual ASCII characters with better-looking unicode box drawing chars.

$ echo "-50 30" | runhaskell  def0.hs
│  │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │  │
│-50       -40       -30       -20       -10         0         10        20        30 │
│                                                                                     │

Python - 227 232

Supports entire specification

edit: improved generator expression.

Supporting right aligned negative numbers adds a surprising amount of code.

b,p,d,w,='|+- '
s=''.join(('%'+d[:i>0]+'10s')%i+['',9*w][i==0] for i in range(g(),g()+1,10)).strip()+w
m,n=s[0]==d and s.find(w)-1,len(s)
print['\n'.join([t,b+(w*m+'|    '*n)[:n]+b,b+s+b,b+n*w+b,t]),'NaR'][n<9]

Sample outputs:

-30 30

|  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |  |
|-30       -20       -10         0         10        20        30 |
|                                                                 |

-30 -30


100 150

||    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |   |
|100       110       120       130       140       150 |
|                                                      |

-1000 -950

|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | |
|-1000      -990      -980      -970      -960      -950 |
|                                                        |

Python 2.7, 342 266 260 chars

a,b,c,d,m='+|- \n'
def f(y):x=map(str,(range(0,y+1,10)if y>0 else range(y,1,10)));h,g=len(x[-1])+1,len(x)-1;u=a+(c*10)*g+c*h+a;return'NaR'if y==0 else u+m+b+(b+d*4)*2*g+b+d*(h-1)+b+m+b+''.join(i.ljust(10)for i in x[:-1])+x[-1].ljust(h)+b+m+b+(d*10)*g+d*h+b+m+u

returns a tuple of each line string, which you can then print or save to a file (I prefer the latter for lengths longer than 70 becuase the console will jsut make it look messed up with wrapping)

Assumes y to be a string (raw_input() n python, or sys.argv[1] if you wish to invoke via cmd) an integer (eg with input() in 2.x or int(input()) in 3.x)

I made this a function to be more flexible

edit: reduced to 266 characters. no longer returns a tuple, but a string instead. Now takes an integer instead of a string as the argument

edit2: reduced to 260 chars, single line function

note: does handle negative numbers, but doesn't right justify (I don't really htink the justification is too important anyways