AutoFixture Register type globally

There isn't a way to do this globally (or statically).

What I usually do is create a TestConventions class that contains all the customizations I want to apply to every test.

internal class TestConventions : CompositeCustomization
    public TestConventions() :
            new MongoObjectIdCustomization())


    private class MongoObjectIdCustomization : ICustomization
        public void Customize(IFixture fixture)

And then I apply these conventions to every test:

var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new TestConventions());

If you're using the AutoFixture.XUnit2 (or AutoFixture.NUnit) plugin, you can reduce this boilerplate by defining an attribute that imports your test conventions:

public class MyProjectAutoDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
    public MyProjectAutoDataAttribute() : base(
        new Fixture().Customize(new TestConventions()))


And then apply it to your test cases:

[Theory, MyProjectAutoData]
public void SomeFact(SomeClass sut)



