Automatic text translation at MSDN pages - How to turn off?

When you hit the "Original" radio button at the top, you see English, with German in the yellow hover box. If you visit the original English site, you don't see a translation, not even on hover. You switch to English by replacing /de-de/ in the URL with /en-us/. As in

German (translation or original with translation on hover):

English only (no translation):

Found it! I mean, it's 2016, 3 years late, and maybe they just added it recently, but when you scroll all the way down there's a small button in the left bottom corner where you can choose language you want to use (more specifically a country "you're from").

If you are a firefox user, you can use Redirector addon. Create a new redirect and set it up like this:

Reflector configuration

It will automatically redirect all msdn requests to english non-translated versions.

