Automator + Applescript how to: new Desktop (open Calendar and Reminders in it)
Took a while but I came up with this. Works on Mavericks.
on run {input, parameters}
my openNewSpace()
my launchApplication("Reminders")
my launchApplication("Calendar")
end run
on openNewSpace()
tell application "System Events"
--mission control starten
do shell script "/Applications/Mission\\\\ Control"
tell process "Dock"
set countSpaces to count buttons of list 1 of group 1
--new space
click button 1 of group 1
--switch to new space
repeat until (count buttons of list 1 of group 1) = (countSpaces + 1)
end repeat
click button (countSpaces + 1) of list 1 of group 1
end tell
end tell
end openNewSpace
on launchApplication(app_name)
tell application app_name
end tell
end launchApplication
Works fine on macOS Mojave (10.14.3)
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Mission Control" to launch
tell group 2 of group 1 of group 1 of process "Dock"
click (every button whose value of attribute "AXDescription" is "add desktop")
tell list 1
set countSpaces to count of buttons
delay 0.5
click button (countSpaces)
end tell
end tell
delay 0.5
tell application "Calendar" to launch
tell application "Reminders" to launch
end tell
Application("Mission Control").launch()
var proc = Application("System Events").processes['Dock']
var group = proc.groups[0].groups[0].groups[1]
var bs = group.buttons.whose({ description: "add desktop"})
Application("System Events").click(bs[0])
var li = group.lists[0]
Application("System Events").click(li.buttons[li.buttons.length - 1])