@Autowire is not working in Spring security Custom Authentication provider

I experienced this issue and came to the conclusion that while autowiring was taking place, the spring security was operating with a completely different instance of the classes. To solve this I imported the security configuration into the spring mvc configuration as below.

This allowed Spring security to share the context with my spring mvc.

<import resource="myapp-security.xml" />

Perhaps autowiring postprocessor is not enabled in the root application context (but enabled in the DispatcherServlet's context as a side effect of <mvc:annotation-driven> or <context:component-scan>).

You can enable it by adding <context:annotation-config> to myApp-security.xml.

Are you using the <debug/> element? If so, try removing to see if it fixes your problem as SEC-1885 prevents @Autowired from working when using <debug/>.

I faced the same issue and fixed it.

The solution is even if u have @Autowired annotation set for Service class.

 private AuthenticationService authenticationService;

Removed the bean definition in your dispatcher-servlet.xml and it will work.

 <beans:bean id="customAuthenticationProvider" class="com.myApp.security.provider.CustomAuthenticationProvider">
 <beans:property name="userDetailsService" ref="userDetailsService"/>   

and add it in security context file