AWS CodePipeline build lacks Git history

CodePipeline supports git full clone as of October:

In your console, go to the source stage and edit. You will have a new option to fully clone your git history. full clone option

In Terraform you will have to add it to the source action's configuration:

      configuration = {
           RepositoryName       = var.repository_name
           BranchName           = "master"
           OutputArtifactFormat = "CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF"

More info:

Yes, CodePipeline supports now a Git Full Clone. enter image description here You just need to do some extra steps:

However, CodePipeline does not currently support dynamic branches, Pull Requests. See Dynamically change branches on AWS CodePipeline

Therefore, if you need to extend your pipeline for Pull Requests, I'd recommend the approach posted by Timothy Jones above.

There's one more related thing that's worth mentioning. CodeBuild has the Full Clone option as well. enter image description here

As long as you do not use the Local Source cache option, the Git history is there. enter image description here

When I tried to use the above mentioned cache option, I noticed that .git is not a directory. It's a file containing one line of text, e.g.:

gitdir: /codebuild/local-cache/workspace/9475b907226283405f08daf5401aba99ec6111f966ae2b921e23aa256f52f0aa/.git

I don't know why it's currently implemented like this but, it's confusing (at least for me) and I don't consider it to be the expected behavior.

This is currently not possible with the CodeCommit action in CodePipeline.