Azure File Storage Error: Condition Headers Are Not Supported

We were also facing this issue and the easiest way, till Azure File Team implements the suggestion given in the Azure Feedback forum, a workaround is to append extra parameter at the end of URL. So, for the above URL -- of client

This will ensure browser is not caching and hence conditional headers will not be added

There is noting wrong or any issue with Azure file storage, its because of some proxy/cache server. You can use following solution.

/// token = SharedAccessSignature
    string tick = $"&{ DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Ticks}";
    Uri url = new Uri(file.StorageUri.PrimaryUri.ToString() + token + tick);

Azure File Storage Error: Condition Headers Are Not Supported

Since the new Edge browser will not have any support for ActiveX plug-ins. Therefore, Acrobat/Reader plug-in won't work with Edge. We can get more details for Change in support for Acrobat and Reader plug-ins in modern web browsers and Microsoft Edge: Building a safer browser.


If we try to download the PDF file with Edge in the private and develop mode, we can get the error message "Something’s keeping this PDF from opening" and also can know that edge browser has sent 2 requests. And second request with Header 'If-range'. According the Azure file storage Get File API, there is no specifying Conditional Headers If-Range supported. I also find a similar issue about edge browser.

enter image description here

I also test in the Firefox and Chrome, then just get the 1 request.

enter image description here

Note: For Azure Blob Service, the pdf file can be opened correctly from the edge browser. As Blob Get Blob API that supports a successful operation to read the full blob returns status code 200 (OK) and a successful operation to read a specified range returns status code 206 (Partial Content).