Backup Odoo db from within odoo

You can take database backup from "Database Management" in odoo..

type following link in browser,


just replace your ip and port in aboves link, you will get screen for database management, you can perform following operations related to database

  • Create
  • Duplicate
  • Drop
  • Backup
  • Password
  • Restore

You can use the CURL to download the full backup (assets + DB), this method is comparatively faster than pg_dump.

curl -X POST \
-F "master_pwd=${ADMIN_PASSWORD}" \
-F "name=${ODOO_DATABASE}" \
-F "backup_format=zip" \
-o ${BACKUP_DIR}/${ODOO_DATABASE}.$(date +%F-%T).zip \

You can wrap inside a custom (your own) Odoo add-on if you wish to. Hope this helps.

By using this module you can backup your database periodically (v7)

you can also test this module (v6 it can be miggrated to v7)

in your case you can add button to execute the function that will be executed by the schedular.

Add a button somewhere and call a controller like this one.

@http.route('/backup/download', auth="user", type='http')
        def backup(self, **kw):
            ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
            filename = "" % (, ts)
            headers = [
                ('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream; charset=binary'),
                ('Content-Disposition', content_disposition(filename)),
            dump_stream = db.dump_db(, None)
            response = werkzeug.wrappers.Response(dump_stream, headers=headers, direct_passthrough=True)
            return response