bash + read variables & values from file by bash script

You have export worker01="sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk", then you replace = with a space to get export worker01 "sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk". The space separated fields in that are export, worker01, "sdg, sdh, etc.

It's probably better to split on =, and remove the quotes, so with just the shell:

$ while IFS== read -r key val ; do
    val=${val%\"}; val=${val#\"}; key=${key#export };
    echo "$key = $val";
  done < vars
worker01 = sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk
worker02 = sdg sdh sdi sdj sdm
worker03 = sdg sdh sdi sdj sdf

key contains the variable name, val the value. Of course this doesn't actually parse the input, it just removes the double quotes if they happen to be there.

With awk alone:

awk -F'"' '{print $2}' file.txt
# To print the variable name as well:
awk '{gsub(/[:=]/," "); gsub(/[:"]/,""); if ($1 = "export") {$1=""; print $0}}' file.txt

to loop it you can:

for i in "$(awk -F\" '{print $2}' file.txt)"; do
    echo "$var"
my_array=($(awk -F\" '{print $2}' file.txt))
for element in "${my_var[@]}"; do
    echo "$another_var"

If you also want to print the variable name in your loop you can do this:

#! /usr/bin/env bash -
while read -r line; do
    if [[ "$(awk '{print $1}' <<<"$line")" == 'export' ]]; then
        var_name="$(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$line" | awk -F'=' '{print $1}')"
        var_value="$(awk -F\" '{print $2}' <<<"$line")"
        echo -e "${var_name}\n${var_value}"


$ ./
sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk
sdg sdh sdi sdj sdm
sdg sdh sdi sdj sdf

First, you can get the variables names with this GNU grep command, using a Perl-compat regex:

grep -oP 'export \K[^=]+' file.txt

Then, you can read the output of that into a bash array with:

mapfile -t variables < <(grep -oP 'export \K[^=]+' file.txt)

That uses the bash builtin mapfile command and a process substitition.

Last, iterate over the variable names and use indirect parameter expansion to get the values:

for v in "${variables[@]}"; do 
    printf "varname=%s\tvalue=%s\n" "$v" "${!v}"
varname=worker01        value=sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk
varname=worker02        value=sdg sdh sdi sdj sdm
varname=worker03        value=sdg sdh sdi sdj sdf