bash ${VAR//search/replace} and weird regex behaviour

After some guidance from jordanm (and reading of the "Pattern Matching" section of the bash man page), it turns out that these patterns used by parameter expansion are not regex. However for my specific case, if shopt extglob is on, I can do:


where *([0-9]) is the same as [0-9]* in regex.

It seems that extglob provides some mechanisms similar to regex with (from bash man page):

                 Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns
                 Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
                 Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns
                 Matches one of the given patterns
                 Matches anything except one of the given patterns

Sounds to me you want to remove things between \[ and \]:

$ shopt -s extglob
$ printf '%s\n' "${PS1//\\\[*(\\[^]]|[^\\])\\\]/}"

However, bash substitution is so inefficient that you would probably be better off firing perl or sed here, or do it in a loop like:

p=$PS1 np=
while :; do
  case $p in
    (*\\\[*\\\]*) np=$np${p%%\\\[*};p=${p#*\\\]};;
    (*) break;;
printf '%s\n' "$np"

(that's standard POSIX sh syntax above, BTW).

And if you want the expanded prompt from that:

ep=$(PS4=$np;exec 2>&1;set -x;:); ep=${ep%:}

Pure Bash full range of ANSI sequences supported

# Strips ANSI CSI (ECMA-48, ISO 6429) codes from text
# Param:
# 1: The text
# Return:
# &1: The ANSI stripped text
strip_ansi() {
  shopt -s extglob
  printf %s "${1//$'\e'[@A-Z\[\\\]\^_]*([0-9:;<=>?])*([ \!\"#$%&\'()\^*+,\-.\/])[@A-Z\[\\\]\^_\`a-z\{|\}~]/}"