Batch crop PDF pages?
Briss lets you crop the margins of a pdf. It layers all the pages so you can visually crop them in one go. It takes maybe 20 seconds for you to do this for a pdf e-book. Then you can read it on the Kindle with all the original PDF formatting, but without wasting margin space. Usually the text size is around the same or a little bit smaller than the second smallest font size on the Kindle for ebook formats. I usually prefer it to Amazon's PDF converter service for PDF's that have images or code samples.
K2pdfopt can do this.
K2pdfopt optimizes the format of PDF files for viewing on small (e.g. 6-inch) mobile reader and smartphone screens such as the Kindle's. It is meant for text-based files on a white background which may also have graphics or figures. It is fully automated and can batch-process PDF files. K2pdfopt works by converting each page of the PDF file to a bitmap and then scanning the bitmap for viewable areas (rectangular regions) and cutting and cropping these regions and assembling them into multiple smaller pages without excess margins so that the viewing region is maximized. Any kind of PDF file (best if it has a primarily white background) can be converted. K2pdfopt works especially well on two-column PDF files such as IEEE and other technical journal articles (see examples below--it auto-detects two-column regions on the PDF page), but even single-column files will often be significantly improved and much easier to read (see examples). K2pdfopt has the advantage over other PDF converters in that it fully preserves the rendered PDF fonts and graphics from the original file, unlike programs that convert the PDF to an e-book format. Also, because k2optpdf is completely independent of language or fonts, it will work equally well on documents in any language.
As an example, to optimize all pdfs in the folder K2pdfopt is located, run k2pdfopt.exe *.pdf
Nitro PDF worked well enough. I selected the area to crop and then applied it to all pages.
Now it would be nice to enlarge the page.