Beamer newenvironment for theorems

I believe that TikZ and PGF have better ways to cope with framing. However, here's how you can do it:

  \noindent\tikz\node[inner sep=1.2ex, draw=blue, fill=blue!10,
anchor=west, overlay, line width =, rounded corners=4pt] at (0em, 1em)
{\color{LightBlue}{THEOREM\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\else\space (#1)\fi}};\par\nobreak}%

Then call

\frametitle{A theorem}
All pigs can fly.
No pig can fly.

Here's the result (theme Madrid):

enter image description here

Here's the complete code (just added a \colorlet to set what LightBlue is):


% Theorem box
\tikzstyle{thmbox} = [inner sep=1em]
\tikzstyle{thmborder} = [draw=blue, fill=none,line width, rounded corners=5pt]

\node[thmbox] (A) {#1};
    (A.south east) -- (A.south west) -- 
    (A.north west) -- (A.north east) -- cycle;

\node[thmbox] (A) {#1};
  (A.south west) -- (A.north west) -- 
  (A.north east) -- (A.south east);

\node[thmbox] (A) {#1};
(A.north west) -- (A.south west) -- 
(A.south east) -- (A.north east);

\node[thmbox] (A) {#1};
(A.north west) -- (A.south west);
(A.south east) -- (A.north east);

  \noindent\tikz\node[inner sep=1.2ex, draw=blue, fill=blue!10,
anchor=west, overlay, line width =, rounded corners=4pt] at (0em, 1em) 
{\color{LightBlue}{THEOREM\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\else\space (#1)\fi}};\par\nobreak}%

%%end theorem box

\frametitle{A theorem}
All pigs can fly.
All pigs can fly.

Al alternative definition made with newtcbtheorem command from tcolorbox.

The new environment myTheo uses two mandatory parameters, the first one is the theorem title and the second a possible label for references. Both can be left empty.

The command also creates an alternative myTheo* environment for non numbered theorems.



    attach boxed title to top left={xshift=5mm,yshift*=-\tcboxedtitleheight/2},
    boxed title style={ colback=blue!10, boxrule=1pt, arc=5pt, left=1mm, right=1mm},
    separator sign none,
    description delimiters={(}{)}

\frametitle{A theorem}
All pigs can fly.
All pigs can fly.

enter image description here