Beamer: Removing headline and its space on a single frame (for plan), but keeping the footline
Ok, after more investigation (in the beamer sources :)), I have found the solution. For those who will search like me in the future, here it is in a simple small example :
{ % to delimit a block (we only want to remove the header for this frame)
\makeatletter % to change template
\setbeamertemplate{headline}[default] % not mandatory, but I though it was better to set it blank
\def\beamer@entrycode{\vspace*{-\headheight}} % here is the part we are interested in :)
\begin{frame}{Table of contents} % and our simple frame
It is also possible to define an environment to be able to use it more easily. To do so, use this part of code before the \begin{document}
And for your frame :
\begin{frame}{Table of contents} % and our simple frame
Hope this will help :)
With this little modification you can use noheadline environment for several slides together.
\begin{frame}{Table of contents} % and our simple frame
\begin{frame}{Table of contents 2} % and our simple frame