Beginner in need of a simple explanation of the difference between order of evaluation and precedence/associativity


The left-to-right associativity means that an expression such as f()()() is evaluated as ((f())())(). The associativity of the function call operator () says nothing about its relationship with other operators such as +.

(Note that associativity only really makes sense for nestable infix operators such as binary +, %, or ,. For operators such as function call or the unary ones, associativity is rather pointless in general.)


Operator precedence affects parsing, not order of evaluation. The fact that [] has higher precedence than = means that the expression is parsed as (a[i]) = (i++). It says very little about evaluation order; a[i] and i++ must both be evaluated before the assignment, but nothing is said about their order with respect to each other.

To hopefully clear up confusion:

Associativity controls parsing and tells you whether a + b + c is parsed as (a + b) + c (left-to-right) or as a + (b + c) (right-to-left).

Precedence also controls parsing and tells you whether a + b * c is parsed as (a + b) * c (+ has higher precedence than *) or as a + (b * c) (* has higher precedence than +).

Order of evaluation controls which values need to be evaluated in which order. Parts of it can follow from associativity or precedence (an operand must be evaluated before it's used), but it's seldom fully defined by them.

  1. It's not really meaningful to say that function calls have left-to-right associativity, and even if it were meaningful, this would only apply to exotic combinations where two function-call operators were being applied right next to each other. It wouldn't say anything about two separate function calls on either side of a + operator.
  2. Precedence and associativity don't help us at all in the expression a[i] = i++. There simply is no rule that says precisely when within an expression i++ stores the new result back into i, meaning that there is no rule to tell us whether the a[i] part uses the old or the new value. That's why this expression is undefined.

Precedence tells you what happens when you have two different operators that might apply. In a + b * c, does the + or the * apply first? In *p++, does the * or the ++ apply first? Precedence answers these questions.

Associativity tells you what happens when you have two of the same operators that might apply (generally, a string of the same operators in a row). In a + b + c, which + applies first? That's what associativity answers.

But the answers to these questions (that is, the answers supplied by the precedence and associativity rules) apply rather narrowly. They tell you which of the two operators you were wondering about apply first, but they do not tell you much of anything about the bigger expression, or about the smaller subexpressions "underneath" the operators you were wondering about. (For example, if I wrote (a - b) + (c - d) * (e - f), there's no rule to say which of the subtractions happens first.)

The bottom line is that precedence and associativity do not fully determine order of evaluation. Let's say that again in a slightly different way: precedence and associativity partially determine the order of evaluation in certain expressions, but they do not fully determine the order of evaluation in all expressions.

In C, some aspects of the order of evaluation are unspecified, and some are undefined. (This is by contrast to, as I understand it, Java, where all aspects of evaluation order are defined.)

See also this answer which, although it's about a different question, explains the same points in more detail.

Precedence and associativity matter when an expression has more than one operator.

Associativity doesn't matter with addition, because as you may remember from grade school math, addition is commutative and associative -- there's no difference between (a + b) + c, a + (b + c), or (b + c) + a (but see the Note at the end of my answer).

But consider subtraction. If you write

100 - 50 - 5

it matters whether you treat this as

(100 - 50) - 5 = 45


100 - (50 - 5) = 55

Left associativity means that the first interpretation will be used.

Precedence comes into play when you have different operators, e.g.

10 * 20 + 5

Since * has higher precedence than +, this is treated like

(10 * 20) + 5 = 205

rather than

10 * (20 + 5) = 250

Finally, order of evaluation is only noticeable when there are side effects or other dependencies between the sub-expressions. If you write

x = f() - g() - h()

and these functions each print something, the language doesn't specify the order in which the output will occur. Associativity doesn't change this. Even though the results will be subtracted in left-to-right order, it could call them in a different order, save the results somewhere, and then subtract them in the correct order. E.g. it could act as if you'd written:

temp_h = h();
temp_f = f();
temp_g = g();
x = (temp_f - temp_g) - temp_h;

Any reordering of the first 3 lines would be allowed as an interpretation.


Note that in some cases, computer arithmetic is not exactly like real arithmetic. Numbers in computers generally have limited range or precision, so there can be anomalous results (e.g. overflow if the result of addition is too large). This could cause different results depending on the order of operations even with operators that are theoretically associative, e.g. mathematically the following two expressions are equivalent:

x + y - z = (x + y) - z
y - z + x = (y - z) + x

But if x + y overflows, the results can be different. Use explicit parentheses to override the default associativity if necessary to avoid a problem like this.
