Best way to read structured binary files with Java
If you would be using Preon, then all you would have to do is this:
public class Header {
@BoundNumber int version;
@BoundNumber byte type;
@BoundNumber int beginOfData;
@BoundString(size="15") String id;
Once you have this, you create Codec using a single line:
Codec<Header> codec = Codecs.create(Header.class);
And you use the Codec like this:
Header header = Codecs.decode(codec, file);
To my knowledge, Java forces you to read a file as bytes rather than being able to block read. If you were serializing Java objects, it'd be a different story.
The other examples shown use the DataInputStream class with a File, but you can also use a shortcut: The RandomAccessFile class:
RandomAccessFile in = new RandomAccessFile("filename", "r");
int version = in.readInt();
byte type = in.readByte();
int beginOfData = in.readInt();
byte[] tempId;, 0, 16);
String id = new String(tempId);
Note that you could turn the responce objects into a class, if that would make it easier.
You could use the DataInputStream class as follows:
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream("filename")));
int x = in.readInt();
double y = in.readDouble();
Once you get these values you can do with them as you please. Look up the class in the API for more info.