Better function for collections

What you need is to have insert-x working on regular list (ie. '() or nil) and rewriting bubble-sort to create the same type as input using empty function.

empty returns empty collection of the same type:

(class (empty [1 2]))
;; => clojure.lang.PersistentVector
(class (empty #{1 2}))
;; => clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet
(class (empty '(1 2)))
;; => clojure.lang.PersistentList$EmptyList

Your bubble-sort can look this way:

(defn bubble-sort [coll]
  "Insert x into a sorted collection"
  (into (empty coll) (reduce insert-x nil coll)))

This way you can get rid of all type checks inside insert-x

i guess you're overthinking it.

you have two tasks:

  1. insert item at the proper position inside a sorted collection
  2. return vector for input vector and list for input list

first of all, i would rewrite the insert-x like this for example:

(defn insert-x [sorted-coll x]
  (let [[l r] (split-with #(<= % x) sorted-coll)]
    `(~@l ~x ~@r)))

notice, it does more or less the same that your variant does: taking values until the desired positions, and then concatenating left and right parts with x between them. notice also, it always produces properly sorted list, independent from the input type.

user> (insert-x [1 3 5 7 9] 10)
;;=> (1 3 5 7 9 10)

user> (insert-x [1 3 5 7 9] 0)
;;=> (0 1 3 5 7 9)

user> (insert-x [1 3 5 7 9] 4)
;;=> (1 3 4 5 7 9)

so, the next thing you need, is just to reduce input and return the properly typed result:

(defn my-sort [coll]
  (let [sorted (reduce insert-x () coll)]
    (if (vector? coll)
      (vec sorted)

user> (my-sort '(0 3 1 4 2 5 10 7))
;;=> (0 1 2 3 4 5 7 10)

user> (my-sort [0 3 1 4 2 5 10 7])
;;=> [0 1 2 3 4 5 7 10]

user> (my-sort ())
;;=> ()

user> (my-sort [])
;;=> []

Thank you both!

I took both of your answers and generated this solution:

(defn insert-x [sq x]
  (apply concat (interleave (split-with #(<= % x) sq) [[x] []])))

(defn bubble-sort [sq]
  ((if (vector? sq) vec identity)
   (reduce insert-x () sq)))


user=> (bubble-sort '(0 2 8 3 9 7))
(0 2 3 7 8 9)
user=> (bubble-sort [0 2 8 3 9 7])
[0 2 3 7 8 9]

Or probably even better readable:

(defn insert [q x]
  (let [[l r] (split-with #(< % x) sq)] 
    (concat l [x] r)))

(defn bubble-sort [sq]
  ((if (vector? sq) vec identity) 
   (reduce insert () sq)))


(defn insert [sq x]
  (let [[l r] (split-with #(< % x) sq)] 
    `(~@l ~x ~@r)))

(defn intoo [x sq] ;; direction neutral `into`
  (into x (into x sq))) 

(defn bubble-sort [sq]
  (intoo (empty sq) (reduce insert () sq)))

intoo is needed because of

(into () '(1 2 3)) ;;=> '(3 2 1)
(into () [1 2 3])  ;;=> '(3 2 1)
(into [] '(1 2 3)) ;;=> [1 2 3]
(into [] [1 2 3])  ;;=> [1 2 3]
# `into` uses `conj` underneath!

Apply two times successively into fixes this:

(into () (into () '(1 2 3))) ;; '(1 2 3)
(into () (into () [1 2 3]))  ;; '(1 2 3)
(into [] (into [] '(1 2 3))) ;; [1 2 3]
(into [] (into [] [1 2 3]))  ;; [1 2 3]

Thus intoo is kind of a direction neutral version of into.

Actually, the most performance efficient version of intoo might be:

(defmacro intoo [x sq]
  (if (vector? x)
      `(into ~x ~sq)
      `(reverse (into ~x ~sq))))

;; user=> (intoo () '(1 2 3))
;; (1 2 3)
;; user=> (intoo () [1 2 3])
;; (1 2 3)
;; user=> (intoo [] [1 2 3])
;; [1 2 3]
;; user=> (intoo [] '(1 2 3))
;; [1 2 3]

;; or as a function:
(defn intoo [x & args]
  (if (vector? x)
      (apply into x args)
      (reverse (apply into x args))))