Better way to center text below overline with given length

You can create a \parbox and insert a \rule:


%Specify the longest signaturekey here:
\newcommand{\sigwidth}{\widthof{\footnotesize xDatum/Unterschrift\ Ausbildungsleiterx}}
%Define a signaturbox of 2.5 cm in height with a mandatory argument of the signature
\footnotesize%Everything in footnotesize

\signaturehere{Datum/Unterschrift\ Auszubildender}\\
\signaturehere{Datum/Unterschrift\ Betreuer}\hfill%
\signaturehere{Datum/Unterschrift\ Ausbildungsleiter}


enter image description here

You can also automatize the computation of the largest text:


  \begin{center}\footnotesize % all is \footnotesize
  % compute the maximum width
  \addtolength{\signaturelength}{2em}% Add some space
  % print the three lines with their caption

\newcommand{\strich}[1]{% The line and its caption
  \parbox[t]{\signaturelength}{\footnotesize % \parbox does \normalsize


\signatures{Datum/Unterschrift Ausbildungsleiter}
  {Datum/Unterschrift Betreuer}
  {Datum/Unterschrift Ausbildungsleiter}


enter image description here

(Thanks to Heiko for spotting the misalignment of the rules.