Blackboard bold greek letters

The OP cites this question, Who can write a package for the new mathbb font as in the picture and compatible with Computer Modern font?, as a desired endpoint, in which it appears that an outline font is offered.

For work in pdflatex, and adapting my answer here: Outline text using TrueType fonts, you can set color of border, fill and line-thickness metric, and use pdf specials to accomplish the outline.

\input pdf-trans
  \def\maltext{\mydelim #1\mydelim}%
  \boxgs{Q q 2 Tr \bbthickness\space w \fillcol\space \bordercol\space}{}%
\def\colsplithelp#1#2 #3\relax{%
  \edef\tmpB{\tmpB#1#2 }%
  \ifnum `#1>`9\relax\def\tmpC{#3}\else\colsplithelp#3\relax\fi

enter image description here

Blackboard bold letters used to be faked by (over)printing the base letter with a slight displacement, like this old FAQ on (La)TeX:

 A set of LaTeX macros for a ``lazy person's'' blackboard bold are:
       \newcommand{\R}{{\sf R\hspace*{-0.9ex}\rule{0.15ex}%
       \newcommand{\N}{{\sf N\hspace*{-1.0ex}\rule{0.15ex}%
       \newcommand{\Q}{{\sf Q\hspace*{-1.1ex}\rule{0.15ex}%
       \newcommand{\C}{{\sf C\hspace*{-0.9ex}\rule{0.15ex}%

You'd have to tweak your own fakes.

A very simple solution:


enter image description here