Bluetooth not working properly. Not detecting devices

This solution worked for me

I am happy to report that I have solved the problem using the workaround given on a bug report as follows:

  1. Boot into Windows 7/8.
  2. Turn off the Bluetooth/Wireless switch from within Windows.
  3. Reboot and boot into Linux
  4. Turn on the wireless switch.

This solution ensures that bluetooth and wireless now work.

Discovered the workaround here

Try the following

sudo mv /etc/bluetooth /etc/bluetooth.backup

sudo apt-get install --reinstall bluez

After a reboot check the issue. The /etc/bluetooth directory should be empty now.

If this does not work for you, just move back the bluetoth.backup directory to it's original place.


Missing Firm-ware could also be an issue and you can fix it with the command

sudo apt-get install linux-firmware

Hope this helps!