Bootstrap modal - hide one then show another

function showDialog2() {


you want to be this


I added a click() handler for your last button with an added test identifier id="test" where the dialog and the background gets faded out with the fadeOut() effect. The important thing is to fade out the element .modal-backdrop which encapsules both the dialog and background:

$("#test").on("click", function () {


Okay, I don't like to answer my own question, but I've got a solution that is 100% foolproof (as far as I can tell). I've ended up going for a solution that checks for an existing dialog and modifies that, rather than hiding it and showing a new one.

Here's a working jsfiddle (using echo in the ajax call where it normally loads a html template)...

The code is part of a larger library I'm working on, but I'll post it here anyway as it may well prove useful to others.

JavaScript Library

(function () {

    var _defaultOptions = {
        backdrop: "static",
        close: true,
        keyboard: true

    window.bootstrap = {
        modal: {
            show: function (options) {

                options = $.extend(_defaultOptions, options);

                var buttonText = "";

                for (var key in options.buttons) {

                    options.buttons[key].id = "button_" + key.split(" ").join("");

                    var button = options.buttons[key];

                    buttonText += "<button type=\"button\" " +
                        "id=\"" + + "\" " +
                        "class=\"btn " +
                        (typeof (button.class) == "undefined" ? "btn-default" : button.class) + "\" " +
                        (typeof (button.dismiss) == "undefined" ? "" : "data-dismiss=\"modal\" ") + ">" +
                        key + "</button>";

                    url: "templates/bootstrap-modal.html"
                .done(function (data) {
                    data = data
                        .replace("{:Title}", options.title)
                        .replace("{:Body}", options.body)
                        .replace("{:Buttons}", buttonText);

                    var $modal = $("#bootstrap-modal");
                    var existing = $modal.length;

                    if (existing) {
                    else {
                        $modal = $(data).appendTo("body");

                    for (var key in options.buttons) {
                        var button = options.buttons[key];
                        if (typeof (button.callback) !== undefined) {
                            $("#" +"click", button.callback);

                    $"").on("", function(e) {
                        if (typeof(options.onshow) === "function") {

                    if (!existing) {

                    if (options.large === true) {

                    if (options.close === false) {
            hide: function (callback) {
                var $modal = $("#bootstrap-modal");

                if (!$modal.length) return;

                $modal.on("", function(e) {
                    if (typeof(callback) === "function") {


Template HTML

<div id="bootstrap-modal" class="modal fade">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button>
        <h4 class="modal-title">{:Title}</h4>
      <div class="modal-body">{:Body}</div>
      <div class="modal-footer">

Example usage:{
    title: "Dialog Title",
    body: "<p>This is the dialog body and can contain any old html rubbish.</p>",
    buttons: {
        Close: {
            dismiss: true

Further options explained{
    backdrop: true,                     // show the backdrop
    close: true,                        // show the close button
    keyboard: true,                     // allow the keyboard to close the dialog
    title: "Dialog Title",
    body: "<p>This is the dialog body and can contain any old html rubbish.</p>",
    buttons: {
        Button1: {
            class: "btn-primary",           // any class you want to add to the button
            dismiss: false,                 // does this button close the dialog?
            callback: function() {          // button click handler
                // the button was clicked - do something here
        Button2: {
            // options as defined as above.  You can have as many buttons as you want
    onshow: function(e) {
        // this will trigger when the dialog has completed the show animation


bootstrap.modal.hide(function(e) {
    // this will trigger when the dialog has completed the hide animation

All the options in the show() method are optional, but obviously you'll want a title and a body.