Border around specific rows in a table?

If you set the border-collapse style to collapse on the parent table you should be able to style the tr: (styles are inline for demo)

<table style="border-collapse: collapse;">
    <td>No Border</td>
  <tr style="border:2px solid #f00;">
    <td>No Border</td>


HTML output

How about tr {outline: thin solid black;}? Works for me on tr or tbody elements, and appears to be compatible with the most browsers, including IE 8+ but not before.

Thank you to all that have responded! I've tried all of the solutions presented here and I've done more searching on the internet for other possible solutions, and I think I've found one that's promising: td {
  border-top: thin solid black;

tr.bottom td {
  border-bottom: thin solid black;

tr.row td:first-child {
  border-left: thin solid black;

tr.row td:last-child {
  border-right: thin solid black;



  <table cellspacing="0">
      <td>no border</td>
      <td>no border here either</td>
    <tr class="top row">
    <tr class="bottom row">
      <td colspan="2">once again no borders</td>
    <tr class="top bottom row">
      <td colspan="2">hello</td>
      <td colspan="2">world</td>




enter image description here

Instead of having to add the top, bottom, left, and right classes to every <td>, all I have to do is add top row to the top <tr>, bottom row to the bottom <tr>, and row to every <tr> in between. Is there anything wrong with this solution? Are there any cross-platform issues I should be aware of?