Braket notation in LaTeX

There is the physics package:

  $\bra{\Psi}\ket{\Psi}$ $\expval{A}{\Psi}$

enter image description here

It offers many other goodies for typsetting physics things. Details can be found in the manul (texdoc physics from command prompt/terminal).

Use \braket{0|0}:






enter image description here

A solution using the mathtools package:


\DeclarePairedDelimiterX\braket[2]{\langle}{\rangle}{#1 \delimsize\vert #2}


  \bra{a}       &= \bra*{\frac{a}{1}} \\
  \ket{a}       &= \ket*{\frac{a}{1}} \\
  \braket{a}{b} &= \braket*{\frac{a}{1}}{\frac{b}{1}}



Notice that the starred versions of the macros scale automatically.