Break up multiple changes into separate commits with git?

One more option which I constantly use is just because i forget about the patch option :):

Say you have updated files: aaa.txt, bbb.txt, ccc.txt and you want to push the aaa.txt file in the first commit and then bbb.txt and ccc.txt in the second commit:

step 1:
git add aaa.txt
git commit -m "Added first file"
git stash
git push

step 2:
git stash pop
git add -A
git commit -m "Added the rest of the modified data"
git push

Might be a little more verbose, but in my opinion I it gives a bit more control.


You want git add --patch (documentation), which will allow you to select which changes to stage.

Yes, you can -- use git add -i to select which hunks you want to stage for each commit. You can get documentation by running git help add and scrolling to "Interactive Mode".

