Build a Simple Roguelike
C, 257 253 222 220
Uses system("cls")
instead of curses (use system("clear")
for Linux systems) and a clever algorithm to fit the map into an 8-digit number. Non-extended keys end the program, e.g. escape.
EDIT: Now also shows your hero below the map by using a<230
instead of a<132
### ###
# # # #
## # # ##
# #
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a,p=14,w=11,X,Y;m(I){X=I%w-1,Y=I/w;return 70313263>>(Y>5?w-Y:Y)*5+(X>4?9-X:X)&1;}main(){do{system("cls");a=a&4?1:a&2?-1:a&8?-w:w;p+=!m(p+a)*a;for(a=0;++a<230;)putch(a%w?a-p?m(a)*35:64:10);}while(a=getch()>>7?getch():0);}
Ruby 1.9 + Curses (248)
require'curses';include Curses;noecho;curs_set 0
b=0xf3e499e601c0d0240b0380679927cf.to_s(2).tr'01',' #'
s=init_screen<<b.scan(/.{10}/)*$/;s.keypad 1
p=22;d=->t=?@{setpos p/10,p%10;addch t;6};d[]
Python 332 319 317
from curses import*
M=0xf3e499e601c0d0240b0380679927cf;S=initscr();S.keypad(1);x,y=2,2;A=S.addstr;[A(a,b,[' ','#'][M>>(10*a+b)&1])for a in range(12)for b in range(10)]
while 1:A(y,x,'@');k=S.getch();A(y,x,' ');X=[[x,x-1],[x+1,1]][k==261][k==260];Y=[[y,y-1],[y+1,y+1]][k==258][k==259];x,y=[(X,Y),(x,y)][M>>(10*Y+X)&1]
The python curses library is only officially supported on linux. There are unofficial ones available for windows, but I can't guarantee that this will work with it.
To save a few characters I hard coded the keycodes for up, down, left, and right. This may cause problems for some people. If this doesn't work for anyone I can post a version that should.
Use ctrl+c to exit. You will probably have to reset your terminal after exiting, but the challenge specifically said the exit didn't have to be graceful.