Build error "Cannot find name 'Record'" with bootstrap 4

After some research, I found this link to have a better understanding of typescript and visual studio. If you want to improve your skills, you can go to this official page and have some readings.

The solution You just have to update the typescript plugin for Visual studio. You can download the latest version here for visual studio 2015.

Here for visual studio 2017


If, for some reason you are unable to update your Visual Studio with the updated TypeScript .exe file (company/business IT policy, non-admin account, etc...), you can try this solution:

  1. Single-click on the "index.d.ts" file in Visual Studio Solution Explorer.
  2. Look in the Properties panel, under "Build Action".
  3. Switch it from "TypeScriptCompile" to "Content".

Now, you'll be able to build your project without these errors.

Update 2019 I have found another workaround/solution that hasn't had any noticeable effects and still allows me to compile without erroring on index.d.ts. Just comment line 68 in your index.d.ts file as such:

//[name: string]: (BaseModifier & Record<string, any>) | undefined;