Building a row from a dict in pySpark

In case the dict is not flatten, you can convert dict to Row recursively.

def as_row(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        dictionary = {k: as_row(v) for k, v in obj.items()}
        return Row(**dictionary)
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        return [as_row(v) for v in obj]
        return obj

You can use keyword arguments unpacking as follows:


## Row(C0=-1.1990072635132698, C3=0.12605772684660232, C4=0.5760856026559944, 
##     C5=0.1951877800894315, C6=24.72378589441825, summary='kurtosis')

It is important to note that it internally sorts data by key to address problems with older Python versions.

This behavior is likely to be removed in the upcoming releases - see SPARK-29748 Remove sorting of fields in PySpark SQL Row creation. Once it is remove you'll have to ensure that the order of values in the dict is consistent across records.