c++0x: proper way to receive a lambda as parameter by reference

You cannot have an auto parameter. You basically have two options:

Option #1: Use std::function as you have shown.

Option #2: Use a template parameter:

template<typename F>
void f(F &lambda) { /* ... */}

Option #2 may, in some cases, be more efficient, as it can avoid a potential heap allocation for the embedded lambda function object, but is only possible if f can be placed in a header as a template function. It may also increase compile times and I-cache footprint, as can any template. Note that it may have no effect as well, as if the lambda function object is small enough it may be represented inline in the std::function object.

I would use template as:

template<typename Functor>
void f(Functor functor)
   cout << functor(10) << endl;

int g(int x)
    return x * x;
int main() 
    auto lambda = [] (int x) { cout << x * 50 << endl; return x * 100; };
    f(lambda); //pass lambda
    f(g);      //pass function 



Demo : http://www.ideone.com/EayVq

I know it's been 7 years, but here's a way nobody else mentioned:

void foo(void (*f)(int)){
    f(1); // calls lambda which takes an int and returns void
int main(){
    foo([](int a){std::cout<<"lambda "<<a<<std::endl;});

Which outputs:

lambda 1

No need for templates or std::function