c++ virtual keyword vs overriding function

Consider the following example. The important line to illustrate the need for virtual and override is c->printMe();. Note that the type of c is Base*, however due to polymorphism it is correctly able to call the overridden method from the derived class. The override keyword allows the compiler to enforce that a derived class method matches the signature of a base class's method that is marked virtual. If the override keyword is added to a derived class function, that function does not also need the virtual keyword in the derived class as the virtual is implied.

#include <iostream>

class Base{
    virtual void printMe(){
        std::cout << "I am the base" << std::endl;

class Derived: public Base{
    void printMe() override {
        std::cout << "I am the derived" << std::endl;

int main() {
    Base a;
    Derived b;
    Base* c = &b;
    return 0;

The output is

I am the base
I am the derived
I am the derived

With the code you have, if you do this

Derived derived;
Base* base_ptr = &derived;

What do you think happens? It will not print out I am the derived because the method is not virtual, and the dispatch is done off the static type of the calling object (i.e. Base). If you change it to virtual the method that is called will depend on the dynamic type of the object and not the static type.