calling a method from created hook in vuejs component
First change your hook method to this :
methods: {
Then, also change the called methods inside the created hook function. It must look like this :
Then you are done!
When defining Vue methods, life-cycle methods, computed properties, ... it's better not using arrow functions, because in that way you are overriding the this
pushed by Vue itself. Try this:
export default {
methods: {
mymethod (x) { alert(x) },
created () {
You have used the arrow function in created hook. Try using
created: function {
if you check the vue.js documentation that also clearly states
Don’t use arrow functions on an options property or callback, such as created: () => console.log(this.a) or vm.$watch('a', newValue => this.myMethod()). Since arrow functions are bound to the parent context, this will not be the Vue instance as you’d expect, often resulting in errors such as Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property of undefined or Uncaught TypeError: this.myMethod is not a function.