Can a React prop type be defined recursively?

Here's another approach, courtesy of jethrolarson on GitHub:

Given the recursive component Tree

import React from 'react';

const Tree = ({treeData}) => (
        {treeData.nodeName}{' '}
        { => (
            <Tree treeData={subTree} />

that takes a tree data structure like the one below

                /  \
           Child1   Child2
          /     \        \
     GChild1   GChild2   GChild3

(as code:

const treeData = {
    nodeName: "Root",
    children: [
            nodeName: "Child1",
            children: [
                {nodeName: "GChild1"},
                {nodeName: "GChild2"},
            nodeName: "Child2",
            children: [
                {nodeName: "GChild3"},


the propTypes for Tree can be defined as:

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

const treeDataShape = {
    nodeName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
treeDataShape.children = PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape(treeDataShape));

Tree.propTypes = {
    treeData: PropTypes.shape(treeDataShape),

Note how all of the references to treeDataShape refer to the same object. Defining children after the object is created lets you recursively reference the same object.

A React prop type is just a function, so it can be referenced lazily like this:

function lazyFunction(f) {
    return function () {
        return f.apply(this, arguments);

var lazyTreeType = lazyFunction(function () { 
    return treeType;

var treeType = React.PropTypes.shape({
    value: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    children: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(lazyTreeType)

The rest of the code for a complete working example (also available as a jsfiddle):

function hasChildren(tree) {
    return !!(tree.children && tree.children.length);

var Tree = React.createClass({
    propTypes: {
        tree: treeType
    render: function () {
        return this.renderForest([this.props.tree], '');
    renderTree: function (tree, key) {
        return <li className="tree" key={key}>
            <div title={key}>{tree.value}</div>
            {hasChildren(tree) &&
                this.renderForest(tree.children, key)}
    renderForest: function (trees, key) {
        return <ol>{ (tree) {
            return this.renderTree(tree, key + ' | ' + tree.value);

var treeOfLife = { value: "Life", children: [
    {value: "Animal", children: [
        {value: "Dog"},
        {value: "Cat"}
    {value: "Plant"}

    <Tree tree={treeOfLife}/>,

Screenshot of the result:

Screenshot of the result