Can Gradle jar multiple projects into one jar?
This should work for what you want to do. This should be in the root gradle build file.
subprojects.each { subproject -> evaluationDependsOn(subproject.path)}
task allJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: subprojects.assemble) {
baseName = 'your-base-name'
subprojects.each { subproject ->
from subproject.configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.collect {
You can publish this by adding it as an archive:
artifacts {
archives allJar
Here's my solution, which is a little bit simpler:
// Create a list of subprojects that you wish to include in the jar.
def mainProjects = [':apps',':core',':gui',':io']
task oneJar( type: Jar , dependsOn: mainProjects.collect{ it+":compileJava"}) {
baseName = 'name of jar'
from files(mainProjects.collect{ project(it).sourceSets.main.output })
Code has been tested on Gradle 1.12