Can I combine SELECT TOP() with the IN operator?

One method is with CROSS APPLY:

SELECT top_50.ColumnName
FROM (VALUES(1),(2),(3)) AS id_list(ID)
    FROM TableName AS t 
    WHERE t.ID = id_list.ID 
    ORDER BY t.ColumnName) AS top_50;

To avoid returning random rows with TOP, ORDER BY is needed and the ordered by columns should be unique. An index with a composite key on ID and ColumnName will be useful in this example query for efficiency.

You can use ROW_NUMBER() for this:

SELECT a, b, c
    SELECT a, b, c, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY match_column ORDER BY d) AS rn
    FROM t
    WHERE match_column IN (1, 2, 3)
) AS x
WHERE rn <= 50