Can I create a view on a vector?
What you can do, and probably want to do, is not use pointers at all - just sort the set of indices into locationsCompare
, with the comparison function looking up the value in the original area. Easy-peasy with C++11:
template <typename T>
std::vector<size_t> get_sorted_positions(const std::vector<T> &v)
std::vector<size_t> indices(v.size());
std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0); // indices now holds 0 ... v.size()-1
std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(),
[&v](size_t i_1, size_t i_2) { return v[i_1] < v[i_2]; }
return indices;
- The only data getting mutated are the indices.
- Don't worry about returning a long vector; the compiler will use a move constructor, due to an optimization known as the NRVO.
- This code is mostly lifted from this answer, but the approach is basically folklore.
- You might also want to abstract away the fact that your input is a vector, and just take a reference to an arbitrary container (and return
std::vector<typename Container::size_type>
); or take a pair of iterators; or in C++20 - take any range.
The original vector must not be altered.
Consider to enforce this constraint by generating a vector of non owing pointers to const
template <class Container>
auto make_vector_of_const_pointers(Container& c)
std::vector<typename Container::const_pointer> result;
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(result), c.size(),
[it = c.cbegin()]() mutable { return &(*(it++)); });
return result;
See, e.g. here an example of usage, compared with a non const version.