Can I get PyCharm to suppress a particular warning on a single line?

Essentially, for the file in which you want to suppress the warning, run it through code inspection, post which PyCharm will give you warnings in that particular file. You can then review the warnings and tell PyCharm to suppress warning for a particular statement.

Code Inspection can be accessed from Code-->Inspect Code menu from where you can select the file that you want to inspect.

Below is an image that shows how to do it for an image, after running code via CodeInspection Code Inspection Output

Link for more details around suppressing warnings:

To just suppress the warning in the editor, there's also a lazy suppression option which is to use the comment noqa on the same line, such as:

from application import routes  # noqa

Here's a before and after image using this comment:


Before using the comment


After using the comment



To suppress PyCharm code inspections for a particular line of code you can use the following construct:

# noinspection INSPECTION_NAME

where the name of the inspection (INSPECTION_NAME above) you can take from the list of inspection names (they are pretty descriptive).

To suppress pylint command line messages explicitly you have to use different comments/commands, as described here (pylint error names).