Can I hatch this region in any way?
Update: Version 12.1 comes with new directives PatternFilling
and HatchFilling
that can be use as the option setting for PlotStyle
RegionPlot[reg, Mesh -> None,
PlotStyle -> PatternFilling["Diamond", ImageScaled[.025]],
BoundaryStyle -> Directive[Thick, Red],
Prolog -> {Thick, Circle[{0, 0}, 10]},
PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.05], PlotRange -> {-10, 10}]
RegionPlot[reg, Mesh -> None,
PlotStyle -> Directive[Gray, HatchFilling["Diagonal", 3, 5]],
BoundaryStyle -> Directive[Thick, Red],
Prolog -> {Thick, Circle[{0, 0}, 10]},
PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.05], PlotRange -> {-10, 10},
PlotPoints -> 100]
Original answer:
reg = ImplicitRegion[x^2 + y^2 <= 100 && 5 <= x <= 5 Sqrt[3], {x, y}];
Show[Graphics[{Gray, Circle[{0, 0}, 10]}, Axes -> True],
RegionPlot[reg, MeshFunctions -> {# + #2 &, # - #2 &},
Mesh -> {50, 50}, MeshShading -> None, PlotStyle -> None,
BoundaryStyle -> Red]]
RegionPlot[x^2 + y^2 <= 100 && 5 <= x <= 5 Sqrt[3],{x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
MeshFunctions -> {# + #2 &, # - #2 &}, Mesh -> {50, 50},
MeshShading -> None, PlotStyle -> None, BoundaryStyle -> Red,
PlotPoints -> 90, Axes -> True, Epilog -> {Gray, Scale[Circle[], 10]},
Frame -> False]
same picture
poly = MeshPrimitives[
HalfPlane[{{5/10, 0}, {5/10, 1}}, {1, 0}],
HalfPlane[{{5 Sqrt[3]/10, 0}, {5 Sqrt[3]/10, 1}}, {-1, 0}]
MaxCellMeasure -> {1 -> 0.001}
Graphics[{Circle[], Gray, EdgeForm[{Thick, Black}], poly}]
Graphics[{Red, [email protected], Disk[{0, 0}, 10], Opacity@1, Blue, Thick,
Circle[{0, 0}, 10, {π/6, π/3}],
Circle[{0, 0}, 10, {-(π/6), -(π/3)}], Green, [email protected],
Rectangle[{10 Cos[π/3], -10 Sin[π/3]}, {10 Cos[π/6],
10 Sin[π/3]}]}, Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}]
Therefore we can use the following.
reg1 = Disk[{0, 0}, 10];
reg2 = Rectangle[{10 Cos[π/3], -10 Sin[π/3]}, {10 Cos[π/ 6], 10 Sin[π/3]}];
reg=RegionIntersection[reg1, reg2];
$\frac{50 \pi }{3}$
Show[Graphics[{Circle[{0, 0}, 10]}, Axes -> True],
Region[reg, BaseStyle -> {LightBlue, EdgeForm[{Red, Thick}]}]]
You can also choose reg2 as
reg2 = Rectangle[{5, -5 Sqrt[3]}, {5 Sqrt[3], 5 Sqrt[3]}];
reg2 = Rectangle[{5, -10}, {5 Sqrt[3], 10}];