Can I perform multiple assertions in pytest?
As Jon Clements commented, you can fill a list of error messages and then assert the list is empty, displaying each message when the assertion is false.
concretely, it could be something like that:
def test_something(self):
errors = []
# replace assertions by conditions
if not condition_1:
errors.append("an error message")
if not condition_2:
errors.append("an other error message")
# assert no error message has been registered, else print messages
assert not errors, "errors occured:\n{}".format("\n".join(errors))
The original assertions are replaced by if
statements which append messages to an errors
list in case condition are not met.
Then you assert the errors
list is empty (an empty list is False) and make the assertion message contains each message of the errors
You could also make a test generator as described in the nose documentation. I did not find any pytest doc which describes it, but I know that pytest handled this exactly the same manner as nose.
pytest-assume is "a pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test". Here's an example of how you would use it (taken from the README
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('x', 'y'), [(1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 1)])
def test_simple_assume(x, y):
pytest.assume(x == y)
Even though some of the assertions fail, they all get evaluated and reported:
======================================== FAILURES =========================================
_________________________________ test_simple_assume[1-1] _________________________________
> pytest.assume(False)
y = 1
x = 1
Failed Assumptions:1
_________________________________ test_simple_assume[1-0] _________________________________
> pytest.assume(x == y)
y = 0
x = 1
> pytest.assume(False)
y = 0
x = 1
Failed Assumptions:2
_________________________________ test_simple_assume[0-1] _________________________________
> pytest.assume(x == y)
y = 1
x = 0
> pytest.assume(False)
y = 1
x = 0
Failed Assumptions:2
================================ 3 failed in 0.02 seconds =================================
Here's an alternative approach called Delayed assert, It pretty much similar to what @Tryph has provided, and gives better stack trace.
The delayed-assert package on PyPI implements this approach. See also the pr4bh4sh/python-delayed-assert repository on GitHub, or install from PyPI using:
pip install delayed-assert
You can use (possibly) any assertion library in combination with python-delayed-assert. Consider it more like a stack trace manager library rather than an assertion. Check this for example uses
This is how the error stack trace looks,
yet another library is available by the author of the 2017 Pragmatic book on pytest, Brian Okken.
import pytest_check as check
def test_example():
a = 1
b = 2
c = [2, 4, 6]
check.greater(a, b)
check.less_equal(b, a)
check.is_in(a, c, "Is 1 in the list")
check.is_not_in(b, c, "make sure 2 isn't in list")