Can I set a bash timeout only for virtual consoles (ctrl+alt+{f1-f6})

You could check if you are running in a graphical terminal and only set TMOUT if you are not. An easy way to do this is the tty command:

   tty - print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input

When run from a GUI terminal emulator:

$ tty

When run from a virtual console:

$ tty

So, adding these lines to your ~/.profile should kill your bash session after ten minutes:

tty | grep tty >/dev/null && TMOUT=600

I never liked the TMOUT solution. First, because it only works if you leave your session at the prompt; if you leave it inside Vim or even at a sudo password prompt, it won't time out. And second, I don't want the session to be closed, I want it to be locked, just like the graphical environments do.

GNU Screen is able to lock after an idle period, so I did the following. At the very beginning of my ~/.bashrc I added this:

if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ] && tty | egrep -q '^/dev/tty[[:digit:]]+$'
    exec screen -c ~/.ttyscreenrc

The exec is important, because it ensures screen replaces Bash, and when it ends the TTY session will be closed.

And in ~/.ttyscreenrc I put this:

startup_message off
idle 180 lockscreen

To skip Screen's welcome screen and lock after 3 minutes of inactivity.