Can I use autocompletion for kubectl in zsh?
Try to add one line at the begining of you .zshrc file
autoload -U +X compinit && compinit
then add another line below
source <(kubectl completion zsh)
For oh-my-zsh
, the easiest way to enable kubectl auto-completion is to add kubectl
plugin in ~/.zshrc
# somewhere in your .zshrc
# kubectl: The kubectl completion script for Zsh can be generated with the command kubectl completion zsh. Sourcing the completion script in your shell enables kubectl autocompletion.
# kube-ps1: A script that lets you add the current Kubernetes context and namespace configured on kubectl to your Bash/Zsh prompt strings
plugins=(git kubectl Kube-ps1)
I add this function to my $HOME/.zshrc.
It will lazy load complete function of kubectl
kubectl () {
command kubectl $*
source <(command kubectl completion zsh)
The oneline version:
(( ${+commands[kubectl]} )) && alias kubectl='test -z $C_KUBE && C_KUBE=1 && source <(command kubectl completion zsh); command kubectl'
Both bash
and zsh
supports scripts that completes printed command when you press <TAB>
. The feature is called Programmable completion, and you can find more details about that here: zsh completion.
Fortunately, you don't need to write your own script - kubectl provides it for zsh > 5.2. Try running this command: source <(kubectl completion zsh)
Another option is to use this tool:
(disclaimer: I'm the author). The reason it exists is because standard completion script is too slow - it might take seconds before Kubernetes cluster replies will all pod names. But kubemrr
keeps the names locally, so the response comes back almost immediately.