Can't install .net 3.5 on Windows 10
Please open a command prompt (cmd.exe) as admin and run the following command to install .Net 3.5:
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /Source:d:\sources\sxs /All /LimitAccess
(replace D: with your mounted Win10 ISO)
In some environment, DISM fails to fetch the file (Proxy, network policies). The DISM command takes the files from the DVD and you're fine.
If you are MSDN subscriber you can also download the Windows 10 Features on Demand
ISO, mount the ISO, copy the to C:\Features (or a different folder) and those commands:
DISM.EXE /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:NetFx3~~~~ /Source:C:\Features
If this fails, run this:
DISM.EXE /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\Features\
Windows Side by Side (WinSxS) location is probably empty in the registry.
From the GUI called from APPWIZ.CPL this results in error code: 0x800F081F
Check/add the subkey 'Servicing', and the value of 'LocalSourcePath'. It should contain a correct string (e.g. 'd:\sources\sxs'), data type (REG_SZ). Where "d:" represents your Windows media drive letter.