Can't install "Skype for Business" with "Office Click-to-run" installer

D'oh. Apparently you can just install it via the Windows store.

This message is pretty clear if you work in IT - but not very clear if you don't deal with installing packages all day. Microsoft has two different versions of office.

From the O365 Portal you get what is called "click to run" - which installs via a streaming service. It basically streams the application down to you - and you can actually start using it before it's installed completely.

As you uncovered another versions is what is called MSI based - this is the traditional install method for windows applications. Here - you have to download the entire package and then install it before you can use office.

Technically - there are ways to get these both on your system, but it's not a good idea which is why Microsoft blocks you. When you have both on your system some things stop working - particularly with the integration with online products or web based products. For example - trying to open or save directly to O365 from an application wouldn't work and you would see error messages.

It's a shame MS can't provide more clarification - the message could actual tell you what you have installed or how to correct the issue.

For anyone still searching for an answer on this, I found Microsoft have provided installers that worked for me in this situation (Windows 10, O365 version of Office 2016, click to run install error):