Can't run sudo pod install after updating to cocoapods 0.32.1 with error "You cannot run CocoaPods as root. (CLAide::Help)"

I had to update permission on CocoaPods

sudo chown -R $USER ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods

sudo chown -R $USER ~/.cocoapods

Since it seems to fix the problem for some people, you might want to try running "pod install" and see if it fixed your problem from that point. However, I still had a permission denied when running "pod install" for a pod item, so running the next line will overwrite permission for the pod folder.

sudo chown -R $USER ./Pods

I have removed the old podfile.lock before running pod install

Source :

cocoaPods pod install Permission denied

I am working with windows. After reading all tips which didn't work I drove into the code base. As a disclaimer, I am beginning phase of developing an app and my goal is to get a quick proof of concept. Therefore, this solution will only bypass that the error message as a quick hack.

In the file ~/lib/cocoapods/command.rb you will find a function on line 47 that stops the program if there is a root user.

#help! 'You cannot run CocoaPods as root.' if Process.uid == 0

Simply comment out the line. Again, this is a terrible idea to do in any situation except as a pragmatist using Windows and trying to get proof of concept out.