Can't see the forest for the keys
Python 2, 165 bytes
while l+2:s=' _'[l<0];print(s+s.join((([' ^ ','//| \\\\'[x>0::2],' '][cmp(abs(x),l)],'_|_')[l<0],s*3)[x==0]for x in a)+s).rstrip();l-=1
This is a full program that accepts a list as input. I'm still golfing this horrid mess.
Pyth, 48 bytes
j_.t+sm.i,J\_?d++\|sm?>d0\ \|d\^Jms+Jmkd"/\\"QJd
Try it online: Demonstration or Test Suite
Too lazy for a full explanation. Here just short overview:
I generate the columns first. So the image:
^ /|\
/ \ /|\
gets generated as:
["_", "_/", "| ^", "_\", "_", "_//", "|||^", "_\\", "_"]
Notice, that I'm generating only the lower part (everything without the spaces). And I'm also generating them from bottom to top. This is done pretty straightforward.
Then I can use the .t
method to append spaces to the strings, so that each string has an equal length. And afterwards I reverse the order and print.
PHP, 231 277 bytes
This challenge has a beautiful output.
$x=fgetcsv(STDIN);for(;$i<2+max(array_map(abs,$x));$i++)for($j=0;$j<count($x);){$_=$x[$j++];$o[$i].=!$i?$_?'__|_':____:(abs($_)>=$i?0>$_?' /|\\':' / \\':($i-1&&abs($_)==$i-1?' ^ ':' '));}echo implode("
Reads a comma separated list (whitespaces are optional) from STDIN
$ php trees.php
> 1, 2, 0, -4, 6
$o[$i] .= !$i ? $_?'__|_':____
: (abs($_)>=$i ? 0>$_?' /|\\':' / \\'
: ($i-1&&abs($_)==$i-1 ? ' ^ ' : ' '));
echo implode("\n",array_reverse($o))."_";
- Saved 46 bytes. Discarded array initialization, replaced
with ternary operators and moved some of the variables around to save a few bytes.