Can you get a MailChimp interest group ID without using the API?

I am using V3 API and you can use Playground to get group id (Mûhámmàd Yäsår K group name doesn't work for me)

Playground > List > [Your list] > interest-categories > interests > [Your group]-> You'll see payload with field id

Now that you have the group id, you can play with creating members: Playground > List > [Your list] > members > Click Create members

Here's the sample payload:

    "email_address": "[email protected]",
    "status": "subscribed",
    "merge_fields": {
        "EMAIL": "[email protected]",
        "FNAME": "Firstname",
        "LNAME": "Lastname",
        "POST_CODE": "",
        "ADDRESS": "",
        "PHONE": ""
    "interests": {
        "733ba3180d": true

Note: interests is not inside merge_fields

Hope this help.

You can use the Playgrounds in the Mailchimp Developer site located at

The Playground is a UI into the API and you can drill down using the Subresources into -> lists -> interest-categories -> interests.

Then choose the Response view and it will show the payload of the response that contains the id's you are looking for.