Cannot find Assert.Fail and Assert.Pass or equivalent

The documentation includes a comparison chart including this:

Fail - alternative: Assert.True(false, "message")

(It doesn't show Assert.Pass, and I've never used that myself, but I suspect the alternative is just to return from the test. Of course that doesn't help if you want to throw it in a nested method call. My suspicion is that it's not very frequently used in NUnit, hence its absence in the comparison chart.)

An alternative to Assert.Fail("messsage") suggested by xUnit docs alternative: Assert.True(false, "message")

has a downside – its output is


Expected: True
Actual:   False

To get rid of

Expected: True
Actual:   False

don't call Assert.True(false, "message") throw Xunit.Sdk.XunitException instead.
For example, create a helper method similar to this:

public static class MyAssert
    public static void Fail(string message)
        => throw new Xunit.Sdk.XunitException(message);


