Cannot resize Gedit window

Pluma is a Gedit fork without client-side decorations, which means it includes the usual the window borders and title bar.

# apt-get install pluma

Below is a screenshot with the window manager Blackbox.


Move the mouse at the bottom edge, press [alt + middle mouse button], and then drag it.

If it is hard to press the middle button, press [alt + right mouse] to bring context menu

If your mouse does not have middle button, you can press left and right buttons together.

If you use mate, your [alt] key is the [meta] key (win key)

enter image description here

I have problem with pluma, btw. The plugins do not work, even I had compiled them from this source:

I do need multiedit plugin to edit column text and can't live without it!

I believe this is a bug. You can use something like this:

wmctrl -r gedit -e 1,0,0,558,450

As described here. -r is to resize a window, in this case gedit. -e is the way we want to resize. 1 means northwest, then we have x and y positions of the top left corner, and finally new width and height.

This will change the window size and position in fluxbox on debian at least, but the window still doesn't have a proper frame and it's not re-sizable or movable.


