Capybara & Cucumber | Getting cookies

Step Definitions

Then /^cookies should be set^/ do
    .current_session # Capybara::Session
    .driver          # Capybara::RackTest::Driver
    .request         # Rack::Request
    .cookies         # { "author" => "me" }
    .[]('author').should_not be_nil

This works, however, I'm still looking for a less verbose way. Moreover, I'd like to know how to get the session data in a step definition.


To get the session data one should do the following:

Step Definitions

Then /^session data should be set$/ do
  cookies = Capybara

  session_key = Rails

  session_data = Marshal.load(Base64.decode64(cookies.fetch(session_key)))

  session_data['author'].should_not be_nil

This is quite verbose too.

It seems that Selenium API has changed. The suggested solution did not work, but I after spending a bit of time looking around, I found a solution.

To save a cookie:

browser = Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.manage
browser.add_cookie :name => key, :value => val

To read a cookie:

browser = Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.manage

cookie_named returns an array consisting of "name" and "value", so we need an extra reference to extract cookie value.

Try the show_me_the_cookies gem.